This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!

Client Information and Consent Form

Todays Date:   


Date of Birth:   

Ethnic Background, please include all nationalities:   





Home Phone:  



If we call you at home, do you want confidentiality?

May we call you at work?

If Yes, my work number is:   

Emergency Contact, Name:  



Who may we thank for referring you?   

Procedure(s) desired:

List all medications you are presently taking:

Name of drug prescribed to you,  Mg. or mcg. , How many ea. day ,Why it was prescribed to you

List all medications you took in the last six months that you are no longer taking:

Name of drug prescribed to you,  Mg. or mcg. , How many ea. day ,Why it was prescribed to you

Do you have? (check all that apply)

If you checked any, please explain:

Are you? (check all that apply)

If you checked any, please explain:

Do you use? (check all that apply)

If you checked any, please explain:

Have you had? (check all that apply)

If you checked any, please explain:

Do you practice outdoor activities? Circle all that apply

Physician’s Name:  



1. Are you pregnant or nursing?

2. I absolutely understand and accept that such procedure is a process, often requiring multiple applications of color to achieve desirable results and the 100% success cannot be guaranteed. 


3. I have received, reviewed and understand the pre-procedural instructions as given to me and agree to follow them. 


4. Depending on the procedure(s), which I select, I accept responsibility for determining the shape, and position of eyebrows, eyeliners, lipliner and/or full lip color.


5.    I understand that the color selection and color results in all procedures are not an exact science. 


6.   I understand that positioning of my procedures can be affected if I have elected or wish to elect cosmetic surgery, Botox or Restalyne and I assume this responsibility.  


7. I am aware that if I am to receive an MRI after the procedure, I must tell the Radiologist that I have iron oxide permanent cosmetics.  


8.   If I am a lens wearer, I realize that I must keep my lenses out the day of an eyeliner procedure.


9.  I understand that this procedure will fade and this fading can alter the original pigment color and that this determines that it is a time for a touch-up visit. 


10.  I realize this is an elective cosmetic procedure and is not medically necessary. 


11. It has been explained to me that the following possibilities may occur: Minor and temporary bleeding, bruising,  redness or other discoloration; swelling; fever blisters on the lip area following lip procedures and/or fading or loss of pigment. 


12. I understand that many lasers & IPL’s (Intense Pulse Lights) including those used for hair removal, anti-aging,  Photo Facials, removal of lines may or will turn permanent make up dark or even black. I agree to inform my   esthetician or anyone operating such that I have permanent make up.  


13. I give my consent to Ms. Fitz Glitz and Glamour to confer with my physicians for medical information required for the safety of my procedures.  


14. I agree to accompany my practitioner to the emergency room in the event they were to be accidentally stuck with my needle and take a blood test for their safety & disclose all test results to my practitioner. 


15. I am aware that if an infection occurs after I have received Permanent Cosmetics to see with my primary  physician or an emergency room, immediately.    



I have read and understand these risks listed above and they have been explained to me. I certify that the information in the above questionnaire is accurate and my questions have been answered. 

**Please read all questions thoroughly before signing!!

Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signed by Tara Fitzgerald
Signed On: July 15, 2018

Signature Certificate
Document name: Client Information and Consent Form
lock iconUnique Document ID: 8b10f823d3146dd0458538f9bd7013802530d2a9
Timestamp Audit
April 2, 2018 6:20 am GMTClient Information and Consent Form Uploaded by Tara Fitzgerald - IP

Ms. Fitz